



German Television

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) German Radio and Television in the Internet. Television. ARD+ZDF Netzwerk. ARD. ZDF. BR. WDR. ARD-Ratgeber Bauen und Wohnen. ARD-Ratgeber Recht....

SFDRS - Schweizer Fernsehen

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)SF DRS ONLINE und tpc präsentieren Streaming Media live an der Internet Expo 2000. 7. bis 9. Februar an der Internet Messe in Zürich

ARD - Germany's "First Progamme"

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Das Erste, Tagesschau, Sportschau, Radio, Fernsehen, ARD Digital, ARD International

Bayern 3 Online

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Aktuell, Musik, Service, Magazin, Kino, NetRadio, Programm, Computer, VR Radio, Team

BR-Online - Bayrischer Rundfunk

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Der "Bayerische Rundfunk" sendet rund um die Uhr fünf Radioprogramme sowie zwei volle Fernsehprogramme. Über BR-Online ist der "Bayerische Rundfunk" weltweit zugänglich und wird millionenfach genutzt: "B5aktuell", "Bayern3" und das "Bayerische Fernsehen" können weltweit angeklickt werden samt zahlloser Zusatzangebote zu Begleitung und Vertiefung des gesendeten Programms.

Deutsche Welle

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Radioprogramme in 35 Sprachen 


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Informationen rund um die Uhr, Buchtips und Filmkritiken, Hörspiele, Börsenkurse und harte Politikerinterviews - und dazu die beste Musik aller Zeiten. Dieses Angebot machen Ihnen der Deutschlandfunk und das DeutschlandRadio Berlin täglich rund um die Uhr. Und noch etwas zeichnet die beiden Programme aus: sie sind überall in Deutschland zu empfangen und sie sind eine werbefreie Zone. Bei uns hören Sie viel, aber Sie hören keine Reklamespots für Hundefutter, Babywindeln oder Tiefkühlkost. Statt auf Werbung setzen wir auf Information und Kultur.


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Die schönsten Schlager, die besten Oldies" somewhere. 


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Austrias first and most successful private radio station - provides 'the best mix of top hits and classic hits' and hourly news, weather forecast and traffic news. Website provides live streaming.


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)The somewhat different radio programme of the ORF.


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)ORF on news, Österreich, Sport, Kultur, Futurezone, Radio & TV, Wetter


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)TV3 is the first swiss private television with a full programm, including news, talk and entertainment.

Swiss Info



ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Radio Rottu Oberwallis is Switzerland's most popular regional radio station.


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)The first and only radio station for people under 30!


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Schweizerische Radio und Fernsehgesellschaft


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)FAB sendet 24 Stunden rund um die Uhr in Berlin und den angrenzenden Gebieten Brandenburgs.

HR-Online - Hessischer Rundfunk

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Radio, Fernsehen, Ihr Sender, Hessen-Infos, E-mail

InfoRadio Berlin

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Live!, Interviews, Gäste, Programm, Links, Events, Empfang, Kontakt

MTV - Germany

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Dem 01.01.99 ist MTV wieder frei über ASTRA empfangbar. Damit wird MTV der reichweitenstärkste Musiksender in Europa. Alleine im deutschsprachigen Musikmarkt ist er in mehr als 32,24 Millionen TV-Haushalten zu empfangen. Ein neues Programm, neue VJs und eine neue Werbekampagne läßt ein spannendes Jahr vorraussehen. Über ASTRA 19,2° Ost, Transponder 27 zu empfangen (Frequenz 11,61175 Ghz, H-Polarisation).

The New Face of Germany

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)A four part guide to modern Germany. The New Face of Germany was originally broadcast on BBC Radio Four in October and November 1997. The series was presented by BBC's Bonn correspondent, Caroline Wyatt who tried to understand Europe's much misunderstood giant state. She tried to discover what today's Germans thought about their own country and way of life, and how far their own hopes and fears matched up with our own views and prejudices.


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)News, Österreich, Sport, Kultur, Futurezone, Radio & TV

Radio Basilisk

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Die Radio Basilisk Internet-Site - eine Dienstleistung der Radio Basilisk Betriebs AG

Radio Bremen Online

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) RADIO BREMEN - das ist Kultur, Unterhaltung, Information, Bildung und Spaß im Netz und on air! Die 4 Radioprogramme, das Fernsehprogramm und unser Chat mit diversen Diskussionsforen sind auf den RADIO BREMEN Webseiten vertreten. Hier gibt es auch die Frequenzen, um unser Programm über Satellit zu empfangen.
Radio Bremen - a public radio and television in the North of Germany. Our web-pages represent a great deal of what we offer on the radio and tv: culture, education, information, but also entertainment and fun. Our Chat is always busy and includes a discussion board with lots of different topics.


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Popular private TV channel.

SFB - Sender Freies Berlin

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Für Berliner und Berlinbesucher ist er nicht nur via Ätherwelle oder Kabelnetz gut zu finden: Schräg gegenüber vom Funkturm, einem weithin sichtbaren Zeugnis früher deutscher Rundfunkgeschichte, hat der SFB, die Landesrundfunkanstalt Berlins, seinen Sitz. Bei dem 1929-31 nach Entwürfen des berühmten Architekten Hans Poelzig erbauten 'Haus des Rundfunks' handelt es sich um einen ausdrucksstarken Klinkerbau, der Elemente des Expressionismus mit der Funktionalität der Neuen Sachlichkeit verbindet. Im Zusammenklang mit dem vier Jahrzehnte jüngeren Hochhausbau des 'Fernsehzentrums' setzt er einen klaren städtebaulichen Akzent. Hier wird die Arbeit von rund 1.100 festangestellten und einem Mehrfachen an freien Mitarbeitern geleistest: Programm für die Haupt- und Weltstadt Berlin.

SWR Online

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Nachrichten, Radio, Fernsehen, Srvice, Unternehmen, SWR shop.

SWR RealAudio Weltnachrichten

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)SWR RealAudio Weltnachrichten - Um die Nachrichten anhören zu können, brauchen Sie den RealPlayer.

Die Tagesschau

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Auf der Homepage finden Sie von morgens um 9:00 Uhr bis 01:00 Uhr nachts aktuelle Nachrichten, Schwerpunkte zu wichtigen Themen und Hintergrundinformationen. Neben diesem - von den Sendezeiten unabhängigen - Angebot bietet ARD-aktuell fast alle Sendungen in Wort und bewegtem Bild im Internet an.

TV Movie Online

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Das Heft, Gewinne, Specials, Chats, Award2000, Programm-Tipps, Was läuft..., TV Assistent, TV Finder, Listing, US-Listing, Spielfilme, Serien, Personenfinder, Filmfinder

TV Today Online

Online tv, soapguide, tv-programm, tagestipps, kinoprogramm


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)News, CD-Control, Label-portrait, Extra, VH-1 on tour, Community,....


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) TVShow.com: All About Television, All Around the World.

ZDF - Germany's "Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen"

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)The "Second Programme" public channel (English and German). Ratgeber, Unterhaltung, Events, Wissen, Treff, Programm


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)ZDF.MSNBC Titelseite, Übersicht, Politik, Wirtschaft, Sport, Computer, Magazin, TV-Tipp Wetter, Suchen, Impressum, Hilfe, Service, E-Mail, Index, Werbung bei ZDF.MSNBC, Copyright

Germany Today!

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Literature & Art, Museums, Media, History, Practical Information, The Bauhaus School


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Repertoire des sites Web des televisions allemandes


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Repertoire des sites Web des televisions allemandes

SF DRS ONLINE homepage

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) SF DRS Online - der Internet Auftritt des Schweizer Fernsehens DRS

Internet Talk Radio

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Introduction to Internet Talk Radio . Overview of Geek of the Week, a regular ITR feature. Note: This is not a complete ITR archive site. Programs are placed up for grabs here subject to disk space availability. Particularly interesting programs are archived for long periods of time while relatively uninteresting programs may never appear.


German Literature Franz Kafka's Texts

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Franz Kafka's Texts in German

Internet Modern History Sourcebook

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)19th Century Austria and Germany. Contents: Austria-Hungary, Germany, German Literature 

Historische Ressourcen zur Geschichte Bayerns

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Universität Regensburg - Institut für Geschichte - Fach Geschichte - Lehrstuhl für Bayerische Landesgeschichte 

Deutsche Kirchengeschichte

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Bonifatius, Die Missionierung im Mittelalter, Hilfe durch angelsächsische Missionare, Die Sachsenmission und Karl der Große, Die Mission der Slawen, Polen ging eigene Wege, Das Zeitalter der westlichen Kirchenspaltung, Martin Luther, Die Spaltung der Westkirche, Die Ausbreitung des Luthertums, Das Konzil von Trient und die Auswirkungen auf Deutschland, Die Umsetzung der Trienter Konzilsbeschlüsse... 


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)History of Germany: Primary Documents

Richard Wagner

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Extensive compilation of information on this composer, with particular emphasis on cultural and historical issues. Contains lists of Wagner's musical and literary works, a bibliography of scholarly writings, and brief essays on relevant topics (some essays and source materials are available only in German). Musical discussion is minimal, but there are numerous links to other sites and sound clips.The splendid presentation makes ample use of images, and Wagner lovers will appreciate the display of postcards celebrating the composer and his operas."

The Steinheim-Institute

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Das Salomon Ludwig Steinheim-Institut wurde 1986 gegründet. Es will die deutsch-jüdische Geschichte von den Rändern historischer Forschung ins Zentrum rücken. In interdisziplinärer Arbeit erforschen wir das soziale, kulturelle und religiöse Leben der jüdischen Gemeinschaft in Deutschland.

Project Wittenberg

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Project Wittenberg is home to works by and about Martin Luther and other Lutherans. Here you will find all manner of texts from short quotations to commentaries, hymns to statements of faith, theological treatises to biographies, and links to other places where words and images from the history of Lutheranism live.

MATEO: Mannheim Texts Online

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Im Rahmen von MATEO hat die Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim Anfang 1996 damit begonnen, ausgewählte alte Drucke und Handschriften in einer elektronischen Edition zu präsentieren. Mit ihren historischen Buchbeständen, die ca. 28.000 Bände des Zeitraums 1470-1750 umfassen, verfügt die im Mannheimer Schloß untergebrachte Bibliothek über einen repräsentativen Querschnitt durch die Buchproduktion der frühen Neuzeit. Schwerpunkte der Edition sind: Portraets, Fabeln, Gelehrte Frauen, Kurpfaelzische Geschichtsquellen.

The Marx/Engels Archive

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Welcome to the Marxists Internet Archive. The information in this site covers three basic areas: on Writers of Marxism, on the History of Marxism, and on Reference materials to Marxism. 

The Versailles Treaty

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)The Complete Treaty with all 440 Articles in a single 498k file

Illuminations: The Critical Theory Website 

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)The Critical Theory Website is a WWW research resource for those interested in the Critical Theory project. Firmly based in Frankfurt School thought, this site maintains a collection of articles, excerpts, and chapters from many contemporary writers of and about Critical Theory. Additional submissions from graduate students and others are also available, as are links to other websites and related sources.

The History Journals Guide

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) About German-language history journals

Deutschland: Koenige, Kaiser, Staatschefs

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Könige, Kaiser, Staatschefs

ZIS Database

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)The ZIS Database contains information on a considerable number of history web-sites. The collection's focus is on the field of Contemporary History. So far, ZIS mainly contains net-addresses from German- and English-speaking countries.

German Music Express

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Here you will find a catalog of nearly 230,000 music entries. We specialize in hard-to-find compact discs from all parts of the world. Looking for music? You've come to the right place! Welcome! Just click on "Search" to begin... If your ...


German Bundestag

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Site is in Gernman and English.

Austrian Parliament

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Willkommen im Österreichischen Parlament, Welcome to the Austrian Parliament

Confoederatio Helvetica - Swiss Confederation

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)In German, Italian, French, English and Rhaeto-Romanesh. At www.admin.ch, you’re at the right address to find out all about the Swiss government, the Federal Council, and how it works. You will also find more specific information about the seven government departments and the officials who run them, the Federal Chancellery and the Supreme Court which consists of the Federal Court and the Federal Insurance Court.

Nachrichten aus Liechtenstein

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Princely Family, News, Finance and Tax Advice, Art Market, Tourism/Hotels, Banks, Stamps, Jobs

Princely House of Liechtenstein

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)You find here:  Official Biographies of the members of the Princely Family, Speeches of the Reigning Prince, News

Welcome to the International City Bremen

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Welcome to Bremen .. [english] [deutsch] Copyright 1995, Internationale Stadt Bremen, admin@is-bremen.de International Cities/Internationale Städte Berlin: [english] [deutsch] [español] Bremen: [english] [deutsch] [español] Köln: [english] ...

Exclusiv Philatelie - Feedback / Kontakt Deutsch

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Weltweit mehr als 10.000 exklusive Stammkunden - Sammler und Händler - vertrauen seit Jahren auf die Qualität unserer individuellen Betreuung und Beratung. Ob Briefmarken, Münzen, Ansichtskarten oder Literatur, stets wird das zur Verfügung gestellte Material fachmännisch geprüft, optimal vermarktet und sachkundig beschrieben.

Der Internationale Museumsrat ICOM

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Der Internationale Museumsrat ICOM ist eine internationale nichtstaatliche Organisation für Museen und Museumsprofis, die gegründet wurde, um die Interessen des Museumswesens und anderer Tätigkeitsbereiche zu fördern, die sich mit der Verwaltung und dem Betrieb von Museen beschäftigen.

German Wine Page

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)The page covers the fundamentals of German wine: the labels, the regions and their leading producers, grape variaties, vintages, history, tasting notes, advice on aging, bying, etc. 


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Discover GERMANY accompanied by our guides Specials and individual tours are our business ! The most individual way to travel around <because we know the ways> Our fully guided tours: Go from city to city in a comfortable and relaxed way.

Austrian Embassy - Siti Internet in Austria

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Siti Internet in Austria GOVERNO Ministero Federale degli Affari Esteri (in tedesco ed inglese) Cancelleria Federale (in tedesco ed inglese) Ministero Federale della Scienza e dei Trasporti (in tedesco ed inglese) Ministero Federale dell Economia .

German-American Academic Council

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)The German-American Academic Council (DAAK - Deutsch-Amerikanisches Akademisches Konzil)

University of Bonn - Medical Center (IMSDD)

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Institute of Medical Statistics, Documentation and Dataprocessing of the "Medizinische Einrichtungen der Universität Bonn" At this server you will find information about and by means of... The CancerNet -Database of the NCI (updated: October 1998).

Institute of Geology and Paleontology

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Institute of Geology and Paleontology University of Innsbruck, Innrain 52, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria Phone +43 (512) 507-5581 Fax +43 (512) 507-2914 Email: Geologie@uibk.ac.at -- Monika.Tessadri-Wackerle@uibk.ac.at Profile, Geological Map of Tyrol..

Institut für Meteorologie, FU-Berlin: Homepage (deutsch)

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Information in english here. AKTUELL. KOMMENTIERTES VORLESUNGSVERZEICHNIS SOMMERSEMESTER 1998. 9-Tage-Vorhersage per FAX. Wetter. Wetterinfos aus Berlin...

AstroInfo - deutsch

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)AstroInfo is a service of the Swiss Astronomical Society. It offers lots of helpful Informations, mostly written in German and English

DLR - German Aerospace Center

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Willkommen im Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR). Treten Sie ein in die Web-Welt des DLR.


Used and Out of Print Books on German 

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Powell's Books-The Washington Post calls Powell's One of the best bookstores in the English Speaking world. Books in major subject areas,including German.

Sans Frontières

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Unique on line electronic phrasebook supporting any combination of English, French, Spanish, German and Italian language translation.

Simply Translating

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)"Die einfache und effiziente Möglichkeit zur internationalen Kommunikation" Übersetzen Sie E-Mails, Briefe, Kursunterlagen und andere Texte! Ganz gleich, ob Sie einen Brief an Freunde im Ausland schicken, eine Notiz an einen internationalen Kollegen senden oder sich als Austauschstudent in einem anderen Land befinden – mit L&H Simply Translating™ erhalten Sie schnell und einfach Konzeptübersetzungen ihrer Texte. Übersetzen Sie E-Mails, Briefe, Kursunterlagen, Dokumente und andere Texte in und aus den am meisten benötigten Sprachen Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch und Italienisch.


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Split second translations from English, More than 3 million words and expressions, Constantly growing dictionaries, No time limitations, Automatic Upgrades, Search and look for references directly through the menu

German Language Course

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)German Language Course CD-ROM - The CD-ROM is a German Language Course for English Speaking Students.

Inter Nationes - Übersetzung

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) The Inter Nationes translation programme supports the translation of books by German authors into another language. Requests for subsidies may be made for books from the areas of fiction and poetry, science, non-fiction and books for younger readers. If a book has already been printed or is already on the market, promotion is no longer possible.

GE Trans

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)What is GE Trans? -This program specializes in translating German texts into English, but can also help in translating individual English words into German. With a translation database exceeding 225,000 German words, including many scientific and technical terms, GE Trans produces draft translations which can be readily polished into a finished translation, or simply used as a reference. You can easily modify entries in the database, or add your own new translations. You can edit your text with many formatting commands and preserve the text style and format during translation. Use a hotkey to translate selected German text directly from your word-processor.

The Köhler German-English dictionary on CD-Rom

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) The Köhler German to English Dictionary (based on the 1909 edition of Dr. Friedrich Köhler's Dictionary of the German and English Languages) is a classic standard from the early twentieth century. This CD-Rom version, containing more than 100,000 translated German words, is fully searchable and printable, and is an essential tool for all translators and students of the German language. Köhler's dictionary is also regarded as great work of art in its own right, and is treasured by all appreciators of culture.

Translation Experts USA

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Translation Experts USA is the North and South American representative and partner of Translation Experts International, a worldwide group of dedicated translators, linguists and programmers bridging language barriers in over 25 languages and fourteen countries around the world.

German Software

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Welcome to our German software page! Translation.net offers software for translating German, creating documents in German and even CD-ROM dictionaries.If you don't see what you need, please e-mail us at traninfo@translation.net.

Translation of First Names

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Please note if you work with German names: There is really no standard form of names. Everybody writes a form he/she likes. For ex., Karl, Carl, Carrl, Charles, Carlo, etc. are all possible forms (not to speak of diminiutives like Karli, Kalle, etc.) One has to guess the normal form and then the translation works. The first letter of a name should be given as capital.


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)All WinDi packages include 7 languages and 10 functions: WinDi Dictionaries, WinDi Encoding, WinDi Grammar, WinDi Conjugation, WinDi Reverse Conjugation (from an irregular conjugated verb to its infinitive), Voice for WinDi, WinDi Translation Help (double editor, 'word by word' translation and understanding help), WinDi Direct Translation (sentence translation), WinDi Translation Project Manager (allowing to classify/archive your translation in your PC) and WinDi Browser.

World Translator Pro

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Translates English documents to and from Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish. Includes all 8 languages on one CD-ROM plus handy translation tools.

German Software & Keyboards

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Everything you need to type German in Windows. Free 45-day trial software.

Scottie-Teachware - CALL software for German, English, 

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Scottie-Teachware - CALL software for German, English, French, Latin - Lernsoftware für Sprachen Our dog - unser Hu

The Langenscheidt Publishing Group

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)The Langenscheidt Publishing Group is a family of companies dedicated to providing you with the most accurate, up-to-date maps, language, and travel reference products available.

Computer Solution Engineering

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Hompage Computer Solution Engineering

HEISOFT Sprachensoftware und Übersetzungsprogramme

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Bei HEISOFT erfahren Sie alles über Fremdsprachensoftware, Übersetzungsprogramme, Wörterbücher und Lernsoftware mit Demos und Vollprodukten zum Download.

Institut für Betriebswirtschaftliche Geldwirtschaft

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Welcome to the WWW-Server of the Institute of Finance and Banking at the University of Göttingen. On this page you can get access to information about the institute, the things we work on and the people working here.

Magic Vision Multimedia - Deutsche Seiten

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Most versatile Tarot, Runes & I-Ching programs for the PC platform, we develope Runes, I-Ching and self-help and self-knowledge enhancing software, market leader in the tarot segment

Simplex Computer - Hardware - Software - Shop

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Deutsch: Simplex Computer ist ein EDV Einzelhandel und ein EDV Grosshandel, Sie koennen direkt online bestellen. Nederlands: Simplex Computer is een it detailhandel en een it groothandel. U kunt online bestellen.

German Fraktur Typefaces

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Four different public domain German fonts (as ZIP files)

Germanic Fonts

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Gothic, Kroebern, Luftwaffe [a bold Fraktur]) from the Yamada Language Center font collection.


Interworld Translations

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) The best professional translation service on the web. Expand your business abroad. Explore foreign markets. Translate your business into Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Korean.

Andrea Kaluzny

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Translator - German, English, French, Italian -> German and US English. Familiar with the corresponding cultures having lived in France, England, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and the US. Well prepared for general business, real estate, offical letters, media products, PR releases, etc thanks to professional experience.

ABC Translation Service

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Professional translations of any kind: correspondence, contracts, manuals, specialist texts, books, advertising texts, ... We let translators translate only into their native languages
and are in contact with more than 400 translators worldwide. Competent, fast, reliable and inexpensive! Request an offer for your translation project. Totally non-committal! 

Dr. Ulrike Walter Translation

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Translations English > German Biology, Medicine, Agriculture, Software


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) eTranslate is a fast-growing company that uses the power of the Internet to provide unparalleled quality on translation jobs - both traditional corporate communications and Web sites. We are a multilingual, multinational group of people whose skills range from project management, quality control, programming, technical support and marketing to the more obvious, global language translation. Our translators are bilingual native speakers, based in home countries, specializing in various subjects. So, when you ask, "where in the world is the perfect translator for me?," eTranslate has the answer at the click of a mouse.

Frank Streicher, Certified Translator (OTIAQ)

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Frank Streicher Professional German Translator/ Traducteur professionnel allemand - English/French into German Français/anglais vers l'allemand

German/English Translation in Biological Sciences

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Looking for high quality scientific translation? Then you've come to the right site! German < > English. Translation in Biological Sciences

Heike Kurtz Translation Service

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Our services: translations in German, English and French, moreover, we can get you in contact with translators of all - even exotic - languages. You require some very special information but you don't have the time to spend hours on the internet? Why not use our investigation service? All you have to do is name your keywords and the subject you are looking for and we'll do the job for you.

Ilse Wong's German-English Translation Service

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)You've reached the home page of Ilse Wong, a certified German-English translator working out of Toronto, Ontario, but serving various clients around the world via the Internet. 

MULTLiNG International

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) MultiLing International, Inc., seeks to bridge language barriers! Our team will work closely with you to produce top-quality translations that meet your specific needs.

Reinhard Gantar - Translation Service

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) If you are looking for someone to translate your computer-related material from English into German, don't go away. Good news: your search has ended, you will be delighted. Use the following links to see what my work is like, how to contact me, how little it will cost you, and my field of expertise. You will like my artwork, too, although I translate much better than I draw.

Sea Star Translation Computer Services

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Computer transations/glossaries. Sea Star Translation Services provides a fast gist translation service to both to business and the public via Internet.

OneTwoThree Translation Service

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Translations of web sites, homepages, advertising pages, PR - sites etc... from English to German by skilled German native-speakers. Tell us the URLs of your site. We begin to translate...

RF German-English Translation Services

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Specializes in the translation of family documents and letters in the Old German script.

German Accurate and Certified Translations

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Provides German translation, interpreting, transcriptions, and more in 200 languages.

German Language Consultancy

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) High speed German translations and interpretations.

German Translation Service

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) German translation by experienced native German translators.

Traduction allemande - index

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Quality Translation Services from English to German and French to German

Medizinische Übersetzer - Medical Translator - Traducteurs medicaux

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) INDEX: Medizinische Übersetzer - Medical Translator - Traducteurs medicaux

Activités du CRLE

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Calendrier des activites du Centre de Recherche en Linguistique Etrangere de l'Universite de Franche-Comte

Traduzioni mediche inglese italiano tedesco italiano - Prezzi

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Traduzioni inglese italiano e tedesco italiano in medicina, tecnologia medica, farmacologia, software. Anche traduzioni francese italiano.

Trp traduzioni

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Technical knowledge in German and Italian translations.


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Traduttori interpreti madrelingua specializzati simultanea chouchotage lingue latine orientali slave inglese tedesco francese spagnolo cinese russo bulgaro portoghese croato arabo.


Medizinische Universität Lübeck  §§

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Die MUL bietet innovative Studien- und Forschungsmöglichkeiten an der Schnittstelle von Medizin, Naturwissenschaften und Informationstechnologie.

ActiLingua Academy - Learn German in Vienna

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Extensive information about learning German in Vienna including our section "Teaching" and sample exercises but also on Vienna (city map, cultural events, etc.), travelling and other interesting topics.

Universität Lüneburg

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)The International Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt) promotes and supports international relations at the University of Lüneburg and functions as central contact for partner institutions. Information, advice and support is given to international students as well as to German students who intend to study abroad. If required, assistence is also given to international guest lecturers.

Otto-von-Güricke-Universität Magdeburg

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)The Otto von Guericke University (campus map/history) was founded in 1993 and is one of the youngest universities in Germany. It has evolved from the former Otto von Guericke University of Technology, the Teachers Training College and the Medical Academy. With nine faculties and 6200 students it is gaining in importance as a centre of teaching and research just like Magdeburg, the state capital, which is developing into a town of business, science and culture. The university is member of numerous organizations and committees. 

Johannes-Gutenburg-Universität Mainz

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Universität Mainz, Universitätsleitung, Organisationen und Projekte, Für Studierende, Forschung, Fachbereiche und Fächer, Zentrales u.a.:  Universitätsbibliothek, Zentrum für DatenverarbeitungWeiterbildung, Termine und Tagungen, Suchen und Finden Campusweite Suche, E-Mail- und  Homepage- Verzeichnis, Wegweiser ins Internet, Universitätsklinikum, Stadt Mainz 

Philipps-Universität Marburg

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Founded in 1527 as the first Protestant university, the Philipps-Universität in Marburg an der Lahn looks back on a long history. With 18,000 students and 7,500 staff members, it currently numbers among the mid-size German universities. In accord with its official mission, the Philipps-Universität strives to further the attainment of knowledge and fulfill the responsibility of science and scholarship to society. 

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Herzlich willkommen auf der Homepage der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München! Ich freue mich über Ihr Interesse an unserer Universität. An ihr sind jetzt rund 44.000 Studenten in 19 verschiedenen Fakultäten eingeschrieben. Sie werden bei uns von nahezu 800 Professorinnen und Professoren und 3000 wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeitern betreut. Etwa 10.000 weitere Mitarbeiter bilden das Service-Team für Forschung, Lehre und Krankenversorgung im Universitätsklinikum der LMU. 

Technische Universität München

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Spotlight - Announcements - Dates - Events - About TUM - History - Organizational Structure - Pictures and much more People - Professors - Staff - Students - Research - Faculties - Centers of Research - Studies - Studying at TUM University Life - Groups - Organizations - Social - Service - Faculities - Libraries - Administration - Central Institutes - Commissary 

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Welcome to the World Wide Web servers of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität (WWU) Münster in Westfalia. Further institutes of high education located in Münster and the Studentenwerk Münster can also be accessed via this service. 

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)The Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg is one of the youngest universities in Germany. Founded in 1973, it grew out the city's 200-year-old teacher training college. Today, the University includes such departments as Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Education, Economics, Languages, Business Studies, Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Computer Science. Since 1973 the number of students has increased from 2,500 to over 13,000 (in 1995). Of a total staff of 1,500 some 200 are professors. Between 1981 and 1984 purpose-designed buildings were erected at a cost of DM 300 million: a new library, a sports centre, a dining room/cafeteria, as well as new teaching facilities for the Natural Sciences and Mathematics. The Natural Sciences campus is regarded among the finest new university architectural complexes in the country, it has been awarded several prizes for its innovative design.

Universität Hannover

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) [Universität] [Aktuelles] [Studium] [Forschung] [Einrichtungen] [Fachbereiche] [Campus] [Suche]

Universität Koblenz

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Studies, University Guide, Further Education, Who is who?

Universität Köln

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Am 21. Mai 1388 billigte Papst Urban VI. das Ersuchen der Stadt Köln, ein "Generalstudium" einrichten zu dürfen. Nachdem die Stadt sich am 22. Dezember desselben Jahres zur Fundierung, Unterhaltung und Beschirmung verpflichtet hatte, nahm die neue "universitas", das heißt, eine sich korporativ zusammenschließende "Gemeinschaft" von Lehrenden und Lernenden, am 6. Januar 1389, dem Tag der Stadtpatrone, der Heiligen Drei Könige, den Vorlesungsbetrieb auf.

Universität Konstanz

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)The University of Konstanz is relatively new and one of the few campus universites in the Federal Republic of Germany. Its history begins in a time when unrest prevailed among the young people of the country. Their dissatisfaction was echoed in their demand for radical change in social structure. There was also an increased surge into colleges and universities. The foundation of the University of Konstanz is thanks to many individuals, but the driving force behind it was, above all, the then Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg and later German Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger. His very first public mention of the possible founding of a university at Lake Konstanz dates back to 1959. The actual resolution to found a university in Konstanz was made in 1964. Within a year, the foundation committee had developed the concept of a "Reform university", where new forms of study, teaching and research should be realised.

Universität Leipzig

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)A 16th century coloured etching depicts a view of Leipzig, and above it, hanging there like a cloud in the sky, are the words:
LIPSIA LITTERARUM STUDIIS ET MERCATURA CELEBRE MISNIAE OPPIDUM. So, stating that Leipzig today is a university town and trading centre is not saying anything new. Nevertheless, that reputation won't endure of its own accord.
The Leipzig Trade Fair with its long tradition is maintaining that reputation in its own way at a new location and with new ideas. The venerable University of Leipzig, situated in the city centre ever since it was first founded in 1409, has undergone a fundamental renewal since the political change in 1989. Having to accept the name of "Karl Marx" in 1953, it has again adopted its original name, University of Leipzig. A name is but hot air, according to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, arguably the most famous student at Leipzig. Accordingly, it is not just the name plates that were changed after the second German dictatorship had collapsed.

Universität Osnabrück

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)[Aktuelles] [Beratung/Schulung] [Dokumentation] [Multimedia] [Netz-/Internet-Dienste] [Online Services] [Organisation] [Software] [Spez. Themen] [Suche] [Zentrale Server] 

Universität-GH Paderborn

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)On the central campus in Paderborn, the classic university-level curricula can be completed in 10 faculties (Fac.) with the degrees of Diploma, Teacher Qualification and M.A. (Magister Artium). The purely college-level curricula are offered at the campuses in Höxter, Meschede and Soest.

Universität Passau

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)General Information, Administration, Departments and Research Institutes, Information on Study, Central Institutions and Services Associated Institutions, Technology Transfer, Sponsoring 

Universität Potsdam

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Die Universität Potsdam hat sich nach ihrer Gründung 1991 ein klassisches Fächerprofil gegeben. Fünf Fakultäten bilden die Säulen der Einrichtung. Dabei handelt es sich um die Philosophischen Fakultäten I und II, die Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, die Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche sowie um die Juristische Fakultät.

Universität Regensburg

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)First attempts to establish a university in Regensburg date back to 1487. Other attempts followed, but remained unsuccessful. Not until 1962 did the struggle of various groups and forces in Eastern Bavaria (most notably the Association of the Friends of the University, founded in 1948) succeed in establishing the University of Regensburg as the 4th full-fledged Bavarian university. 20 November 1965 marks the date of the groundbreaking ceremony for the first university building. In the fall of 1967 the university began functioning with three schools or faculties. Today the university comprises twelve schools, providing the full range of academic subjects except for engineering and technology, areas traditionally taken care of by the polytechnic schools (Fachhochschule) in Germany.

Universität Stuttgart

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)The Universität Stuttgart, which was founded in 1829, has integrated the social sciences and the humanities with engineering to become an internationally renown future-oriented place of research. Today nearly 19,000 students are studying to complete their degrees in one of the 44 degree courses offered by the 14 faculties.

Katholische Universität Eichstätt

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Die Katholische Universität Eichstätt (KUE) ist eine der jüngsten deutschen Universitäten und die einzige Katholische Universität im deutschen Sprachraum. Ihr Träger ist eine kirchliche Stiftung des Öffentlichen Rechts, die von den bayerischen Bischöfen errichtet wurde. Gegenüber den staatlichen Hochschulen ist die Katholische Universität Eichstätt gleichgestellt und besitzt in den wissenschaftlichen Fachbereichen das Promotions- und Habilitationsrecht. An den acht Fakultäten der Hochschule studieren derzeit etwa 3.800 Studenten, der Anteil ausländischer Studenten ist dabei mit etwa acht Prozent vergleichsweise hoch. 

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)FAU at a Glance, Faculties, Know How Trasfer, Rectors Office, University Hospital, Research, University Statues, Computing Centre....

Universität Gesamthochschule Essen - University of Essen

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)AddressesMaps, Press Office, Semester - Dates and Deadlines, Study Tracks,  R&D Transfer

Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Die Gründung der Universität geht wesentlich auf das Engagement des Frankfurter Oberbürgermeisters Franz Adickes zurück. Es war Adickes` Wunsch, neben der Ansiedlung von Industrieunternehmen in Frankfurt auch Kultur- und Bildungsstätten zu fördern. Zu diesem Zweck unterstützte er alle Initiativen, die zielgerichtet auf eine Universität hinführen mußten. Einen Weggefährten fand er in Wilhelm Merton, dem Gründer der Metallgesellschaft AG, der ebenfalls davon überzeugt war, daß zwischen dem Handel und der Industrie, aber auch der sozialen Wohlfahrt und der Wissenschaft eine unzertrennliche Verbindung besteht. So finanzierte Merton mit eigenen und fremden Mitteln 1901 die "Akademie für Sozial- und Handelswissenschaften". 

WorldWide Classroom

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Library of International Programs with links to more than 10,000 schools, institutes and cultural centers worldwide that welcome visitors of all ages. Information on schools in 92 countries and past participants comments on executive, university, teen, mature adult, and family programs.

Lingua Service Worldwide - German

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Full immersion German language courses are available at the following locations: (click the name of the school for a full description of courses, prices and schedules)

ActiLingua in Vienna, Austria

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Since opening in 1988, ActiLingua Academyhas gained a world-wide reputation as a private school with a successful range of courses, an ideal learning environment and modern teaching equipment.

A.S.L. Sprachenschule

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Learn German in Munich with ASL International Language School

Freie Universität Berlin

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) [Infos] [Einrichtungen] [Studium] [Forschung] [Vorlesungsverzeichnis] [Service] [Home] [Impressum]

Universität Bayreuth

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Fast genau 230 Jahre nach Gründung der Markgräflichen Akademie zu Bayreuth - der Vorläuferin der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität in Erlangen-Nürnberg - wurde Bayreuth am 1. Januar 1972 mit Inkrafttreten des Gesetzes zur Errichtung der siebten Bayerischen Landesuniversität wieder offiziell zu einer Universitätsstadt. Und kaum vier Jahre später, im Wintersemester 1975/76, wurde der Lehrbetrieb mit 32 Professoren und 625 Studenten aufgenommen. Im Gegensatz zu dem Versuch des Markgrafen Friedrich war die neue Gründung der Universität Bayreuth das Ergebnis einer gründlichen hochschul- und regionalpolitischen Planung. 

Universität Ausburg

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Wir über uns, Studium und Weiterbildung, Einrichtungen und Organe, Forschung und Transfer, Aktuell, Umfeld, Suche,

Universität Hamburg

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) General Information, Central Services and Offices of the University of Hamburg

Colón Language Center

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Colón Language Center Hamburg was established in 1952 and is nowaday one of the leading language schools in Germany. Between 400 and 500 students learn German in our classes at any given time. 18 languages are taught in the school altogether. Nowhere can you learn the German language and discover German culture more quickly and better then in the country in which it is spoken.


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) German Academic Exchange Service. Scholarship info and application for study in Germany.We, the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) - German Academic Exchange Service - are an association of the institutions of higher education in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Deutsch in Österreich

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) EIN JUNGES, DYNAMISCHES TEAM VON SPRACHKURSPROFIS ... mit fundierter sprachdidaktischer Ausbildung, mit internationaler Sprachkurserfahrung, mit der Beherrschung der modernen Methoden des Fremdsprachenunterrichts, auf der Basis der vom Europarat vorgegebenen Zielsetzungen


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Since 1970, did has specialized in exclusively teaching German as a Foreign Language. Many years of experience, up-to-date methodology, selected instructors and modern equipment stand for the highest quality of language instruction.

The German Language Experience

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Intensive German Language Training Courses with total immersion into the German Language. Beginning to advanced levels for adults and children. Our "class room" is a cozy residential house at the Lake Tankum nature preserve, surrounded by forest and wildlife.


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) GERMALINGUA - is the name of the language school in Munich, where learning German is fun!


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) One-to-one Lessons in German


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Besides other groups this course is mainly designed for foreign students preparing for studies in Germany. To ensure an efficient performance of the programme we are cooperating with the official Federal and Local authorities as well as with the corresponding public educational institutions. To meet the varied needs and requirements of the students to a large extent, we offer the following preparatory programme:

Horizonte - Regensburg, Germany

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Are you looking for an exciting and comprehensive German language programme? Are you interested in visiting one of the most beautiful cities (Regensburg ) in Germany? Are you between 17 and 77? You have found what you were looking for! 

Institut für Internationale Kommunikation Heinrich-Heine-Universität e. V.

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Kurse, Seminare & Fortbildungen 2000

Language Liaison

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Language Liaison offers programs for this language in the following countries. Click on any country name to get more information.

Sprachinstitut TREFFPUNKT

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Intensive German Classes in Germany

Study Abroad in Germany

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) The on-line study abroad information resource. Here you will find listings for thousands of study abroad programs in more than 100 countries throughout the world. You will also find hundreds of links to study abroad program home pages and a wealth of related information.

TANDEM Hamburg

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) German and Foreign Language Courses, Language Travel - Deutschkurse, Fremdsprachenkurse, Sprachreisen 

The International Association of Language Centres IALC

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Over 60 language schools with an international reputation in 20 countries -learn English, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese or French where it is spoken.


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)The mission of the AATG is based on the belief that bringing the language, literatures and cultures of the German-speaking world to all Americans is a vital humanistic endeavor which serves an essential national interest. It's the only national individual membership organization dedicated to the advancement and improvement of the language, literature, and culture of the German-speaking countries.

Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer (BDÜ)

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Der BDÜ ist der größte Berufsverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Er vertritt die berufsständischen Interessen aller Berufsangehörigen, die auf Grund ihrer fachlichen Qualifikation die Mitgliedschaft im BDÜ erworben haben. Die Organe des BDÜ arbeiten ehrenamtlich und uneigennützig.

ETH Zürich/Department of Computer Science

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Deutsche Version ETH Zürich Search This document has been formated using htmlpp . History, Service Groups, Visitor Information, Internal Information (german), Related Organizations, Women in Computer Science (german)

The School of Languages and European Studies - Home

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) School of Languages & European Studies Home - Information, Courses, Research and Resources

German Studies Association

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)
The Nominating Committee's schedules have changed. In order to get the nomination and election process completed before summer recess at most universities, it is necessary to move up the deadlines. During 2000, we will elect a Vice President, who will succeed Henry Friedlander as President of the Association in accordance with the By-Laws, and several members of the Executive Committee. Members who would like to propose individuals for the consideration of the Nominating Committee should send their proposals to Prof. Jennifer Michaels at Grinnell College, michaels@grinnell.edu is her e-mail address, and her snail mail address is Prof. Jennifer Michaels, Department of German, Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA 50112-0806.


ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) UNIVERSITÉ DE GENÈVE - FACULTÉ DES LETTRES DÉPARTEMENT DE LANGUE ET DE LITTÉRATURE ALLEMANDES TABLE DES MATIÈRES DE L'HORAIRE DES COURS 1998 - 1999 LINGUISTIQUE ALLEMANDE Cours 3118 Linguistique allemande(2e, 3e et 4e années) Séminaires 3065...

UCL - GERM2315 Questions spéciales: littérature alleman

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Université catholique de Louvain Questions spéciales: littérature allemande antérieure au XIX S. (GERM2315 ) Information

German Directory - German Language Courses in Germany

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)LEARN GERMAN IN GERMANY! Hundreds of schools, colleges and universities offering German language tuition in Germany

Corsi di tedesco in Vienna Austria Germania.Actilingua scuola di lingua tedesca.

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Studiare tedesco a Vienna Austria e Germania.Goethe Institut corso di preparazione agli esami.Corsi di tedesco all´ Actilingua scuola di lingua tedesca.

Training for Germany - Driving Rules

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) German language training - private tutoring - german lessons for adults - in southern germany, Stuttgart area - german language instruction at your home or office - learning german at flexible times - support with german driver's license - assistance whenever needed

Centro Culturale Italo-Tedesco Villa Vigoni

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Italiano - Deutsch. CENTRO ITALO-TEDESCO VILLA VIGONI Segreteria Villa Vigoni - Via Giulio Vigoni, 1 - 22017 Loveno di Menaggio (Como) - ITALY Tel. ++39...

Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrum/James F. Byrnes Institut

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Fostering German-American relations through cultural and other programs. In German and English.

Verein zur Wahrung der deutschen Sprache

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Bürger für die Erhaltung der sprachlichen und kulturellen Vielfalt Europas. "Kein größerer Schaden kann einer Nation zugefügt werden, als wenn man ihr den Nationalcharakter, die Eigenheit ihres Geistes und ihrer Sprache nimmt."    Immanuel Kant 
Der Verein wendet sich gegen überflüssige Anglizismen in der Deutschen Sprache.

Universität Heidelberg

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Die Ruprecht-Karls-Universität ist die älteste Universität Deutschlands. Sie war nach Prag und Wien die dritte Gründung auf dem Boden des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Deutscher Nation. Der Kurfürst und Pfalzgraf bei Rhein Ruprecht I. eröffnete sie mit päpstlicher Genehmigung1386 in seiner Residenzstadt, um seinem Territorium einen geistigen Mittelpunkt zu geben, Fremde anzuziehen und Kirchen- und Staatsdiener im eigenen Lande auszubilden. Die ersten Professoren kamen aus Paris und Prag - Kirchenspaltung und Nationalitätenkämpfe hatten sie zum Weggang gezwungen. Gründungsrektor war der Niederländer Marsilius von Inghen.

Goethe Institute

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) The Goethe-Institut is a worldwide, non-profit, semi-private organization promoting the German language and culture. It is partially funded by the Foreign Ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache [GfdS] - German Language Society

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Founded in 1947, the Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache (GfdS) is headquartered in Wiesbaden, near Frankfurt (Main), Germany. A membership organization devoted to researching and cultivating the German standard language, the GfdS documents current trends in the development of the German language and draws up recommendations for good usage and style. The Society and its local and regional chapters organize lectures and discussions as well as symposia and workshops. The Society thus forms a link between scholarship and the interests and needs of a broader public.

Collegium Medicinae Italogermanicum Köln-Padua - Colonia-Padova

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)COLLEGIUM MEDICINAE ITALOGERMANICUM . Köln - Padua (Padova) DEUTSCH ITALIANO Collegium Medicinae Italogermanicum Studium in Padua: Informationsstelle INGIA ...

Deutsche Schule Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte)Die Deutsche Schule Las Palmas de Gran Canaria ist eine Deutsche Auslandsschule. Sie hat den Charakter einer Begegnungsschule und führt zur Reifeprüfung und zur spanischen Selectvidad.

Istituto Donatello - Italian Language and Culture in Florence

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Istituto Donatello:learn Italian language and culture in Florence! Course programs, On lineitalian test, movies and more on our Website.

Istituto Austriaco

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) L’Istituto Austriaco è un’istituzione del Ministero degli Affari Esteri della Repubblica Federale d’Austria, che si occupa dell’organizzazione di corsi di tedesco (corsi speciali, corsi aziendali), del rilascio di diplomi nonché dell’assistenza per l’insegnamento della lingua tedesca, proponendo congressi e seminari per insegnanti di tedesco ecc.

Free internet-services for teachers and learners of German
- www.stufen.de

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) These free internet-services for teachers and learners of German are designed to assist teachers in preparing their lessons and getting up-to-date information on German speaking countries and German language teaching.

Institut for International Communication e.V. (IIK)

ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) The Institut for International Communication e.V. (IIK) is a non profit organization located on the campus of Heinrich-Heine-University in Duesseldorf (Germany). The IIK also offers all year long intensive courses for GFL from elementary level up to advanced level, summer courses for GFL and business German and teacher training seminars.
