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Initiation à la langue syriaque I

LOA-18460 Initiation à la langue syriaque I Crédit(s):3 cr Trimestre(s): A Formule(s) pédagogique(s): LT Temps consacré: 3-0-0-6 Initiation à la langue syriaque pour débutants. Étude des structures fondamentales de la langue. Grammaire ..

Ethnologue: Syria

Languages of Syria. Part of _Ethnologue: Languages of the World_, 13th Edition; Barbara F. Grimes, Editor; Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1996.

St. Pachomius Library: Syriac
A first draft for a Living Encyclopaedia of Orthodox Christianity

Catholic Encyclopedia: ST. EPHRAEM
(EPHREM, EPHRAIM). Born at Nisibis, then under Roman rule, early in the fourth century; died June, 373. The name of his father is unknown, but he was a pagan and a priest of the goddess Abnil or Abizal.

Catholic Encyclopedia: JACOB BARADAEUS
A Syrian Monophysite bishop, born in Tella, towards the end of the fifth or the beginning of the sixth century, died in 578. He was the son of Theophilus bar Manu, a priest of Tella, and hence his real name was Jacob bar Theophilus; the surname Burde'ana, corrupted into Baradæus, was derived from the coarse horse-cloth barda'than which he usually wore.

Catholic Encyclopedia: JAMES OF SARUGH
A writer of the Syrian Church "the flute of the Holy Spirit and the harp of the believing church"; b. at Kurtam, 451, probably in the district of Sarugh; his father was a priest; d. at Batnan 29 Nov., 521.

Catholic Encyclopedia: ABRAHAM ECCHELENSIS
A learned Maronite, born in Hekel, or Ecchel (hence his surname), a village on Mount Lebanon, in 1600; died 1664 in Rome. He studied at the Maronite College in Rome, published a Syriac grammar (1628), and taught Syriac and Arabic at the College of the Propaganda.

Oxford Theology: Syllabus for M.Phil. in Eastern Ch ...

Teaching is provided jointly by members of the faculties of Oriental Studies and Theology. Teaching in all 3 options may not be available every year.

Suryoyo Online of Syrian Orthodox Church

Online of the Syrian Orthodox Church and Arameans

Catholic Encyclopedia: BAR HEBRAEUS

(Abu'l Faraj). A Jacobite Syrian bishop, philosopher, poet, grammarian, physician, Biblical commentator, historian, and theologian, b. at Meletine (Malatia), Asia Minor, 1226; d. at Maragha, Persia,

Syriac Software Digest

Syriac Software Digest Click Here to Visit our Sponsor Syriac Software Related Homepage Syriac Software Price List & Order Information Syriac On-Line Dictionary Syriac Software Discussion Group Syriac Best Reviewed Software Syriac Communication ..

School of Divinity
The University of Edinburgh

Institute for Syriac Manuscript Studies

Institute for Syriac Manuscript Studies Founded in 1989, through the generosity of a group of Milwaukee business people, the Institute for Syriac Manuscript Studies (The Arthur Vööbus Collection on Film) is one of several unique scholarly resources


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