by Crystal Jones
© 2000-2010





Translated by Pnina Tadmor, transliteration by Pnina Tadmor
rearranged by Robert B. Casiraghi


  • a=ah, o=oh, e=eh, i=ee, u=oo, x=like Scottish ch in loch. The sign ' (apostrophe) represents the glottal stop within a Hebrew word (alef or ain). 

  • The article and certain prepositions are written separately: ha xipus  instead of haxipus (the search), ba boker instead of baboker (in the morning)

  • Compounds that are pronounced as a single word are separated by an hyphen when it may be useful to the learner. Example: be-meshex instead of bemeshex (during)

  • Treatment of the shva (virtual e, that sometimes is sounded, sometimes not) is not entirely consequent because of inherent difficulties and difference of pronounciation by Israeli speakers

  • Italics are sometimes used at the end of a word to indicate the affix personal pronouns: sheruteha=her services

  • The stress is marked by an underline under the relevant vowel. Where no stress mark appears in a word, the stress is by default on the last syllable as is typical for Hebrew.


Short stories in English translated into many languages in a convenient parallel text format to help you learn them more quickly and easily.


The Search for Lorna 
Daisy Macbeth
The Surprise
The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip

The Bookworm

A Matter of Justice

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
A Nice Little Trip
The Nightwatch
The Oak
The Bookworm
The Mumbling Man

The Search for Lorna 
The Surprise
The Surprise 2
Daisy Macbeth

The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip

The Surprise

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
The Bookworm
The Wedding
Daisy Macbeth

The Search for Lorna

The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
A Nice Little Trip
The Nightwatch

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
The Bookworm
The Auction

The Search for Lorna 
The Surprise

Daisy Macbeth

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise

The Search for Lorna 
The Surprise

Daisy Macbeth
The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm
The Oak
The Green Lodge
A Matter of Justice

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm

The Oak

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
The Nightwatch

The Bookworm

The Search for Lorna
Daisy Macbeth
The Surprise
The Nightwatch

The Search for Lorna 
The Surprise

The Nightwatch

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm
The Oak

The Search for Lorna
Daisy Macbeth
The Surprise
The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm

The Auction

The Search for Lorna
Daisy Macbeth
The Surprise
The Nightwatch mp3
A Nice Little Trip mp3
The Bookworm mp3
The Auction

The Search for Lorna 1
The Search for Lorna 2
The Surprise

Daisy Macbeth

The Nightwatch

A Nice Little Trip

The Search For Lorna
The Surprise

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth

The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
A Nice Little Trip

The Search For Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm
The Oak
The Mystery of
Green Lodge

A Matter of Justice

The Search For Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm

The Oak

The language spoken
in Uganda
The Search for Lorna
The Surprise

The Search for Lorna
The Oak  

The Search for Lorna

The search for Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
The Nightwatch

The Oak 1
The Oak 2
The Bookworm
A Nice Little Trip
The Mystery of
Green Lodge

The Wedding
A Matter of Justice
The River Mist
The Auction

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise

The Search for Lorna 1

The Search for Lorna 2
The Surprise
The Nightwatch 1

The Nightwatch 2
Daisy Macbeth
The Oak

The Nightwatch
The Oak

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth

The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm

The Oak
The Mystery of
Green Lodge

The Wedding 1
The Wedding 2
A Matter of Justice 1
A Matter of Justice 2
The Serial Killer
The Auction
The River Mist
Upside Down

The Search for Lorna 1

The Search for Lorna 2
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
The Nightwatch

The Bookworm

The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm

Daisy Macbeth

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
The Nightwatch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm
The Mumbling Man
The Oak
A Matter of Justice

The Search for Lorna
Daisy Macbeth

The Search for Lorna


The Search for Lorna

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
The Nightwatch

The Search for Lorna



  Mishmeret laila Night Watch  
Daisy kama mukdam be oto boker avivi ki ha tik she alav hi avda haya be ayara krova. Daisy had got up early that spring morning because she was working on a case in the nearby town.

Hi higi’a le misrada be sha’a reva li shmone, ka’asher be yada sakit niyar ha mexila laxmanyot shamenet triyot, ve hi meta lishtot kos kafe.

She arrived at her office with a paper bag in her hand containing fresh cream buns at a quarter to eight and was dying for a cup of coffee.
Ka’asher hixnisa et ha mafte’ax el ha man’ul, nishma kol shel isha she kar’a, “Ze patu’ax, Daisy”.  As she put the key in the lock, a woman’s voice called out, "It’s open, Daisy."
Zu hayta Pam, ha menaka. It was Pam, the cleaner.
“Ma da’atex al aruxat boker, Pam”, amra Daisy be xiyux, ve az hivxina she Pam ke xol ha nir’e baxta kodem la xen. "How about some breakfast, Pam?" said Daisy with a smile and then noticed Pam had obviously been crying.

“Pam, ma kara?

"Pam, whatever has happened?
Bo’i, shvi ve toxli iti aruxat boker, Come on sit down and have some breakfast with me.
ana, sapri li ma matrid otax." Please tell me what’s bothering you."
Pam hayta isha she avda kashe kedei legadel shnei yeladim. Pam was a hard-working woman with two children to bring up.
Hi nikta et kol ha binyan, she peirusho shiv’a misradim. She did the cleaning for the whole building which meant seven offices.
“Jim matsik li shuv be­-kesher la y(e)ladim.  "Jim has been on to me again about the children.
At yoda’at she ein lo kol zxut xukit lir’ot otam ve lo ixpat lo me hem, kfi she af pa’am lo haya ixpat lo." You know he has no legal right to see them and he really couldn’t care less about them, and never has."
Bo’i nadlik et ha kumkum” "Let’s put the kettle on."
“Daisy hitxila lehaxin et ha kafe ha names ve hitsi’a le Pam laxmanya,  Daisy began preparing the instant coffee and offered Pam a bun,
“Lama she lo tatxili me ha hatxala?” "Now, why don’t you start from the beginning?"
Pam nir’ata mutredet me’od ve himshixa: Pam looked extremely troubled and went on:
“At mevina, ka’asher anaxnu hitgarashnu hu afilu lo bikesh lir’ot et ha y(e)ladim shelo. "You see, when we got divorced he didn’t even ask to see his children.
Ka’et ein lo kesef, hu menase le’anot oti kedei she eten lo ktsat, be iyum she axeret hu yarxik mimeni et ha y(e)ladim”. Now he’s got no money, he’s trying to torture me into giving him some with the threat that otherwise he’ll get the children away from me."
“Eineni xoshevet she hu yuxal la’asot et ze be kalut”, ta’ana Daisy. "I don’t think he can do that easily, Pam," Daisy reasoned.
Pam hiskima lekabel laxmanya nosefet. Pam accepted another bun.
“Lo Daisy, lo be kalut, aval hu me’od nakmani, ve hu iyem she yahafox et ha xayim sheli le gehinom.” "No Daisy, not easily, but he’s very vindictive and he’s threatened to make my life a hell."
“Uvxen, pashut nitstarex lexakot ve lir’ot. "Well, we’ll just have to wait and see.
Tir’i, im hu yat’xil lihiyot alim, kol ma she at tsrixa la’asot ze lehitkasher la mishtara.” Look, if he gets violent all you have to do is call the police."
“Ani makira et Jim, im lo eten lo kesef, hu ya’amod be diburo.” "I know Jim, if I don’t give him money he’ll be as good as his word."
Ka’avor shlosha yamim, Daisy kibla kri’a telefonit.      Three days later Daisy got a telephone call.
“Daisy, zu Pam, ani mishtaga’at. "Daisy, it’s Pam. I’m going round the bend.
Jim hit’xil lehagi’a elai ha bayta be xol erev axarey sgirat ha pabim, ve hu menase lehistakel li derex xalon xadar ha shena, ve ose kolot muzarim. Jim’s been coming round to my house every night after the pubs close trying to see through my bedroom window and making strange noises.
Hu menase la’alot li al ha atsabim kedei she avater lo ve eten lo et kol ha kesef she hu doresh mimeni. He’s trying to get on my nerves so that I’ll give in and hand over all the money he asks for.
Lo yashanti be-meshex shalosh yemamot. I haven’t slept for three days."
“Hoda’at al kax la mishtara?” " Have you informed the police about it?"
"Jim tilpen elay ka­-rega ve amar she im ani ekra la mishtara hu yagid lahem she ani medamyenet dvarim, ve she ani histerit ve xolat nefesh, ve she ha y(e)ladim lo tsrixim lihiyot birshuti "Jim telephoned me just now and said that if I call the police in, he’ll tell them I’m imagining things and hysterical and mentally ill and shouldn’t have his children in my custody.
Ma e’ese, Daisy? Ani margisha no’eshet.” What am I going to do Daisy? I feel desperate."
“Beseder, Pam, tagidi li ma hi ha ktovet shelax ve ani er’e ma ani yexola la’asot.” "All right Pam, tell me your address and I’ll see what I can do."
Daisy halxa el Trends, ha xanut ha mekomit le televizyot, radio u maxshevim, u viksha ledaber im mar Ranjee, ba’al ha xanut.   Daisy went round to Trends, her local television, radio and computer shop, and asked to speak to Mr. Ranjee, the owner of the shop.
Mar Ranjee, ha’im tuxal lehash’il li maxshir tsilum-haklata le meshex kama yamim?”  "Mr. Ranjee, do you think you could lend me a camcorder for a couple of days?"
“Daisy mats’a et ha ganav she nahag lignov me ha xanut lifnei mispar xodashim,  Daisy had found the thief who was stealing from the shop a few months’ ago
u mar Ranjee tamid amar she im ey pa’am hi tizdakek le mashehu, be­vakasha she tifne elav. and Mr. Ranjee had always said that if ever she needed something, please to come and ask for it.
“Bevaday, gveret Hamilton, at omeret she at rotsa sug she po’el ba xoshex,  "Of course, Miss Hamilton. You say you want one that works in the dark.
ken, kxi et ze. At yoda’at eix lehishtamesh bo? Tni li lehar’ot lax”.   Mm - take this. Do you know how to use it? Let me show you."
Mar Ranjee bila et xatsi ha sha’a ha ba’a be lelamed et Daisy kama taxsisim bsisiyim shel maxshir ha tsilum-haklata. Mr. Ranjee spent the next half hour teaching Daisy some elementary camcorder tricks.
Daisy hexlita lalexet la bayit shel Pam be oto erev be-erex be eser, ka’asher be’amtaxta maxshir ha tsilum, kolel ha kisuy shelo ke­-neged geshem.     Daisy decided to go around to Pam’s house at about ten that evening armed with the camcorder and its rain-proof covering.
Hayta la gam mashrokit be xisa, ve xatif shokolad kedey leha’avir et ha zman. She also had a whistle in her pocket and a Mars bar to while away the time.
“Oy lo, mat’xil laredet geshem”, amra Daisy le atsma.  "Oh no! It’s beginning to rain," Daisy exclaimed to herself.
Be xol pa’am she hayta la avoda ba layla, tamid, lelo yotse min ha klal, yarad geshem. Whenever she had a job on at night it invariably rained.
Le marbe ha mazal, ha pa’am hi hevi’a ita me’il geshem mi plastik im bardas. Fortunately, this time, she had brought a plastic mac and hood with her.
Be sha’a zu ba layla hayu me’at anashim ba-sviva.    At that time of night there were few people around.
Pam hisbira la she hi gara be vikta yeshana, ve she xadar ha sheina shela haya me’axorey ha bayit, ve pana el ha gina. Pam had explained that she lived in an old cottage, and that her bedroom was round the back facing the garden.
Ka’asher Daisy highi’a, hi halxa el me’axorey ha bikta, tipsa me’al ha gader ha nemuxa  When Daisy arrived, she went to the back of the cottage, climbed over the low fence
ve ra’ata she hayta sham sxaxa re’u’a be taxtit ha gina. and saw there was a tumble-down tool shed at the bottom of the garden.
“Sham ani etxabe ve axake la mifletset. "That’s where I’ll hide and wait for that monster.
Eix hu me’ez lifgo’a be Pam ha yekara”, xashva Daisy. How dare he try to hurt dear Pam," thought Daisy.
Ka’asher hayta be-tox ha maxsan sham’a Daisy she mashehu, ulay atsits, nofel al ha adama.      Once inside the shed Daisy heard something like a flower-pot fall to the ground outside
Hi hitkofefa kedey she lo yir’u ota derex ha xalon ha katan ve ha meluxlax. and crouched down so that she couldn’t be seen through the small dirty window.
Kefi ha nir’e’ zu hayta nekudat mifgash le xatulim, ki hi sham’a yelala shel xatul. Apparently it was a meeting-place for cats, for she heard miaowing.
“Be-hexlet, im ba’ala le-she-avar shel Pam rotse laxazor al ha ma’ase ha kodem shelo, keday she etpater me ha xatulim ha’ele kedey she hem lo yavrixu oto. "Certainly if Pam’s ex-husband wants to repeat his previous performance, I’d better get rid of those cats so he’s not scared off."
 Hi patxa et delet ha maxsan be xashash, ve zarka na’al yeshana she mats’a bifnim el-ever ha xatulim’ she ne’elmu bi-mhirut. She opened the shed door warily and threw an old shoe she had found inside at the cats, who hastily vanished.
Ka’et shuv haya ha kol shaket. Now everything was quiet again.
Ka’avor sha’atayim, Daisy, she hayta nuksha me’od mi ha laxut ve ha kor, hitromema mi ha kise ha kalu’a she’alav yashva.   Two hours later Daisy, very stiff from the damp and cold, got up from the ancient wicker chair she had been sitting on.
“Lo uxal lehaxzik ma’amad od harbe zman” hi ne’enxa.  "I can’t stand it much longer" she moaned to herself.
Ve az nidme haya la she hi shoma’at et ha raxash shel magafey gumi medashdeshim ba alva ha svuxa. Then she thought she heard the noise of Wellington boots sloshing through the damp foliage.
Mishehu hitganev el­-ever ha bayit. Someone was creeping towards the house.
Zro’oteha shel Daisy ka’avu biglal xoser ha tnu’a she nixpa aleha, ve hi kim’at hipila et maxshir ha haklata.    Daisy’s arms ached because of the enforced inaction and she nearly dropped the camcorder.
Hi hishila et na’aleha ve yats’a ha xutsa derex delet ha maxsan she hayta ptuxa le-me-xetsa. She stepped out of her shoes and slipped out of the partially-open shed door.
Be oto rega avra mexonit, she oroteha he’iru ve Daisy yaxla lir’ot be-verur At that very moment a car passed by with its lights fully on and Daisy could see quite clearly:
et ba’ala shel Pam ha meragel axareha derex xalon xadar ha shena. Pam’s husband was spying into her bedroom window.
Daisy hitslixa lif’ol bi-mhirut ve hidlika et maxshir ha haklata.     Daisy managed to act quickly and turned the camcorder on.
Ka’et haya rak tiftuf. It was only drizzling now.
Ba’ala shel Pam hit’xil lits’ok derex ha xalon el-ever ishto le-she-avar, ve iyem aleha. Pam’s husband began shouting through the window at his ex-wife and threatening her.
Daisy hisrita et ha stsena ve hiklita et ha milim ha me’aymot. Daisy was filming the scene and recording all the menacing words.
Pit’om, ha seret hishmi’a raxash muzar.  Suddenly the camcorder made a strange whirring sound.
“Ulay ha seret nitka?”, nivhala Daisy.  "Maybe the tape’s blocked!" panicked Daisy.
Hi nista lexabot oto ax laxatsa al kaftor lo naxon ve ha raxash ha muzar hitgaber. She tried to turn it off but pushed the wrong button and the whirring sound increased.
Be shalav ze xash be xax ba’ala shel Pam ve histovev be xa’as.     At this point Pam’s ex-husband became aware of it and turned round furiously.
Hu hevin she mishehu tsofe bo ve kilel be xarifut. He realized someone was watching him and swore profusely.
Ve az hu hitkadem el- ever Daisy, ke-ilu be xavanato lehakot ota.  Then he made towards Daisy as though to hit her.
Ha maxshava ha rishona shel Daisy hayta lehagen al maxshir ha haklata be gufa, hi soveva et gabaa klapav ve hitxila lits’ok.  Daisy’s first thought was to protect the camcorder with her body, she turned her back on him and started yelling.
Nidme haya la she ha tse’akot shela nimshexu la netsax. It seemed to her that her yelling lasted an eternity.
Pit’om, he’ir or shel panas xazak al shneyhem. Suddenly a strong torch light shone on both of them.

“Ma kore kan?”

"What’s going on here?"
Zu hayta shoteret, she nir’ata nexusha me’od. It was a police-woman, looking very determined.
“Ra’iti otxa metapes me-ever la gader”, hi kivna el-ever ha ish et or ha panas shela.  "I saw you climbing over the fence," indicating the man with the light of her torch
“Bo’u be-sheket, shneyxem. "Come quietly, both of you.
Ani oseret etxem al hasagat gvul ve...” I'm arresting you for trespassing and ..."
Bi-diyuk ba rega haze Pam hofi’a be xalon xadar ha shena shela, patxa oto ve hibita ha xutsa. Just at this moment Pam appeared at her bedroom window, opened it and looked out.
 “Shoteret, shoteret, ha ish haze be-hexlet masig gvul, aval ha isha ha tse’ira hi xavera sheli.” "Officer, officer. That man is certainly trespassing, but the young lady is my friend."
Ba’ala le-she-avar shel Pam nilkax mi sham ba rega she ha shutaf shel ha shoteret higi’a la makom, ve Daisy huzmena el tox ha bikta kedey lehitnakot ve lishtot sefel kakau xam. Pam’s ex-husband was taken away as soon as the constable’s colleague appeared and Daisy was invited inside the cottage to clean up and have a hot cup of cocoa.

“Ze haya mazal”, amra Daisy, 

"Well, that was a bit of luck." said Daisy.
"she yaxolti letsalem oto mistakel derex ha xalon shelax ba layla ve she ha mishtara hayta eda le xol ha eru’a. "To be able to film him looking in your window at night and have the whole scene witnessed by the police.
Eineni xoshevet she yihiyu lax od be’ayot mi tsido shel Jim!” I don’t think you’ll be having any more trouble from Jim!"
Le moxorat, be-erex be sha’a axat-esre, higi’a Daisy le misrada ve mats’a zer praxim ra’anan be tsintsenet al shulxan ha ktiva shela.   Next morning at about eleven Daisy arrived in her office to find a fresh bunch of flowers in a vase, on her desk.
Al-yado haya petek katan, she nixtav be iparon.  Nearby was a little note written in pencil.
“Toda Daisy. Shuv toda, Pam. "Thanks Daisy, thanks again. Pam.
Nun.Bet., samti tsintsenet shel ribat shezifim yerukim ba mekarer shelax.”  P.S. I’ve put a pot of homemade greengage jam in your fridge."

VOLUNTEER A TRANSLATION USING THE TEMPLATES PROVIDED HERE! has been online since 1997 and has always managed to remain a not-for-profit website offering all its resources for free. Most Daisy Stories, Arranger Stories and Opal Stories have been translated by volunteers. Would you like to become one of them? You can start right away following a couple of very simple instructions: when translating the Daisy, Arranger or Opal Stories please use the templates provided below and fit your translation into the parallel text slots provided. After completion, please send your translation to robertocasiraghi AT elingue DOT net, it will be published in a matter of days.

The Search for Lorna
The Surprise
Daisy Macbeth
Night Watch
A Nice Little Trip
The Bookworm
The Oak
The Mystery of
    Green Lodge

A Matter of Justice
The Wedding
The Mumbling Man
The Old Manor House

The Serial Killer
The Mysterious Hand
The Lost Cat
Too Many Cakes Spoil
    the Dough

The Lost Collection Box
The Spin Doctor

The Auction
The River Mist

Upside Down
Parallel Homes
Different Existences
East is West and West
    is East